
No Excuse Bruce

No Excuse Bruce

For the first 8 years of my career in fitness, I had the pleasure of working in a cardiac rehab program.  Of all my work in the field, this was probably the most rewarding.  While helping someone etch out a six pack is kind of cool, it doesn’t really compare to helping a victim of a major heart event get back on their feet. 

Build the Shoulders Without Sacrificing Joint Health Using This Superset

 Build the Shoulders Without Sacrificing Joint Health Using This Superset

If you are following any competent strength training program, you should be performing a variety of heavy compound movements such as bench press, overhead press, rows and pulldowns/pull-ups for the upper body.  If you aren’t, it’s time to bail on your current program and start from scratch.  Those are the basic movements of which there are a million different variations but including them is required for gains in size or strength.  My holiday analogy would be to think of these movements as the turkey and mashed potatoes of your training program, everything else is a side dish. 

5 Movements "All Day Sitters" Need to Include Every Day

5 Movements "All Day Sitters" Need to Include Every Day

I get it, you are stuck in a cubicle and have no choice but to sit down, bang on the phone, and send emails for 8 hours a day. However, you do have the choice to do something about it.  Here are 5 movements that can be done at home (or office) with minimal equipment that you need to be doing as often as possible to negate some of the disastrous effects all day sitting can create!